Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A scary scary monkey

What is an Orange and white devil. It was a scary monkey. Once upon a time there was a scary scary scary monkey. It ate the princess in the tallest castle and it ate the king and queen. And then a pumpkin laughed at the king. And they saw a ghost light, it was blue. Some kids in the camp. And then he got them to stop the ghost light. It didn’t work. He had a blue flash light that he turned on. And it shined at Brita’s nose, and she is all green. And Leif turned into a shark. And then my own mom will be a vampire. And cousin Josh will be a bear devil. His butt is bleeding. And then I got a rope and tied it on and climbed a dangerous cliff, then I pushed an orange button. We are bear devils now. So we are scary looking, but we growl. You are a bluish devil and I’m the whitish devil. So I’m white and orange stripe they call me a scary monkey. My bung hole comes bleeding and then it drips blood. Im gunna turn on the power.

Right now we are evil scientists. Guess what, we are going to dissect a monkey. I got a monkey, whack. We have a dead monkey, we are going to rip it open, kssss. I’ll put the blood in here, do you see the blood. Look in it. There is some monkey blood in it. I’ll just drink it. Hmm, uh oh I think I’m going to get a pumpkin gas. Psssst, a dead pumpkin gas. Im going to poor the blood out on my pants, right now, he said. But then he killed the princess on accident. He stabbed it and then I ripped it open. I’ll put the princess in here, for real. Do you see the princess in here? She might die.

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